Cancer is one of the most dreaded words, that a person can hear of when discussing health with a medical professional. Sadly, the information comes almost always late. People regret how did they fail to read the writing on the wall? Why they did not think of it earlier? Unfortunately, in the majority of cancers, some kind of signs or symptoms are always, given out by the body, much before a person actually comes to know about them from a medical professional. Ignoring one’s health signals can lead to much regret later on. Discussing all types of cancers, that can affect men is certainly not possible, so here we would just stick to the 5 most common ones.
Prostate Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men. As must be obvious, it rises in the Prostate – a small walnut-shaped gland, surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder in males, that is responsible for producing the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperms.
Although the exact cause of Prostate Cancer is not known, some risk factors and associated findings have certainly been found. For Prostate cancer to develop, change of DNA of a normal prostate cell has to take place and which finally alters the way, genes in these cell functions. If the genes controlling the growth or death of the cell are affected, then abnormal cell growth and death, are encouraged and cancer can occur.
Sometimes, genetic changes that increase the risk of developing cancer, are transmitted from one generation to the next. It is believed that around, 5% to 10% of prostate cancers are caused due to inherited gene changes (Cancers which are caused due to inherited genes are known as hereditary cancers). Quite a few of altered genes, which are inherited, have been held responsible for hereditary prostate cancer. Some of the important ones are – BRCA 1, BRCA2, RNASEL & HOXB13.
It has to be understood, that all genetic changes of one generation, are not passed onto the next generation (like the acquired gene mutations) & even the ones that are passed to the next generation, does not always cause cancer (although the risks certainly increase).
Some of the well-identified factors, which increases the chances of development of Prostate Cancer are – Age above 65 years, Men of African ancestry (compared to the male of other ethnicities), Family history, Increased weight (Obesity) and diets high in red meat & low in vegetables and fruits.
Prostate Cancers are usually asymptomatic in the early stages. However, as time progresses, it does give rise to signs and symptoms, due to increase in size or involvement of distant organs. Some of them are –
Spread to distant organs, in the late stages, can present with the following signs and symptoms –
It is almost impossible to do anything which would guarantee a person, freedom from Prostate Cancer, but certain precautionary measures certainly decrease its chances. Choosing a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, providing vitamins and minerals adequately is a step-in right direction. Maintaining a healthy weight, with the help of exercise is also helpful.
Prostate cancer can be found early by screening tests. This include – testing the amount of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels in a person’s blood and digital rectal examination by a trained urologist or surgeon. Prostate Cancer screening should never be undertaken, without prior consultation with a Urologist (a specialist who treats diseases of the urinary system). In case of development of signs & symptoms mentioned above, a consultation with a Urologist should be undertaken, without any delay.
Lung Cancer is cancer, which begins in the lungs and is one of the leading causes of cancer death, both among men and women. Like all cancers, in Lung cancer too, cells grow and multiply in an uncontrolled and unregulated manner. Lung cancer assumes significance as here the pattern of cellular overgrowth occurs in the lungs, which are vital organs for breathing and gaseous exchange. As lung cancer also spreads to distant organs (metastasize) in its early stages, so it is very dangerous and life-threatening cancer and also one of the most difficult cancers to treat.
Cigarette smoking is the main reason causing most of the Lung Cancers, with 90% of the cases rising due to tobacco use. The risk of cancer development increases with thenumber (amount) and duration of use. This is also referred to, in the medical language as pack-years of smoking (number of cigarette packets smoked per day multiplied by the number of years smoked). Tobacco smoke has in total over 4000 chemical compounds, but the 2 main primary compounds which have been blamed as cancer-causing are – Nitrosamines and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Cigar & pipe smoking can also cause lung cancer, although risks are less compared to cigarette smoking. Even non-smokers, who live with a smoker have demonstrated 24% increased risk (for development of lung cancer) compared to non-smokers, who do not have any such influence. So, exposure to tobacco smoke should be avoided at all cost, and it is always better to not even pick up the habit in the first place. For those who stop smoking, it takes somewhere around 15 years to reach the risk level as that of non-smokers.
People who are exposed to asbestos fibers (& also arsenic, chromium,and nickel), in their workplace are also susceptible for development of lung cancer later in life. Smoking increases the chances of development of cancer tremendously, in workers exposed to asbestos. Thankfully in the modern world, asbestos use has been banned in many countries. A natural radioactive gas – Radon gas, has also been implicated as a known cause of lung cancer.
Presence of other lung diseases like – pulmonary fibrosis & chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases increases the risk of development of lung cancer. Another problem of the modern world – Air pollution from industry and vehicles, especially diesel exhaust; is associated with the increased chances of development of lung cancer, especially in the developing world. The fact that even all people exposed to above-mentioned risk factors, do not develop cancers, have made many scientists believe that individual genetic susceptibility and familial predisposition may also play a role in the development of cancer.
The symptoms may be variable, depending on the location & extent of spread of cancer. Unfortunately, early warning signs are not always present and it may be accidentally discovered in a routine chest X-ray, where it presents as a round tumor that looks like a coin. However, when the symptoms are present, they initially present as complaints of the respiratory system. Some of them are –
When the nearby structures are affected, some other symptoms may also develop.
Involvement of distant organs, known as metastasis, can cause symptoms far removed from the site of origin of the problem. Some of them are –
Sometimes, symptoms are produced, due to the production of hormones by the tumor cells. These symptoms are known as paraneoplastic symptoms, and can again give rise to its own set of complaints, due to abnormally increased hormone levels.
There is no definite way to prevent Lung Cancer, but some lifestyle alterations are certainly helpful.
It is always better never to start smoking and those who already smoke should stop it. If needed professional guidance should be taken to get rid of this addiction. Using nicotine replacement products & help of support groups are also useful. Avoiding second-hand smoke is also important for those who do not smoke themselves.
Avoiding carcinogenic exposure at the workplace, having radon levels in home checked (if a person is living in an area, where high radon levels are known to be associated with creating problems), taking a diet full of vegetables and fruits;are also good supportive measures.
Urgent consultation with a healthcare professional should be taken if – there is a new development of persistent cough, breathing difficulties, repeated chest infection, chest pain or blood in sputum is present. People who smoke can request their doctors for screenings for lung cancer with a low dose CT scan annually.
The treatment of lung cancer would need a team approach, but it is always better to approach a chest physician (medical pulmonologist) first, who can later involve medical, radiation & surgical oncologist in the treatment.
Colorectal cancer is cancer that arises in the colon or rectum of the human gastrointestinal tract, quite often as a polyp-like growth, which later turns cancerous. Sometimes they are also known as colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on their site of origin. These 2 cancers are usually grouped together because of many common features, that they display. Although it is one of the leading causes of cancer death, its importance lies in the fact that advances in the screening techniques have been successful in bringing down the death rate from colorectal cancer.
Colorectal Cancer risk factors, like risk factors of many other cancers, have aspects that can be changed while some others are not under control. Knowing them in detail can help in making lifestyle changes, which can decrease the risk to a great extent.
Unfortunately, there are many other risk factors that are beyond a person’s control. However, prior knowledge about them can certainly allow a person to be more aware. Some of these are –
As colorectal cancer rises in the alimentary system, hence the signs and symptoms produced by Colorectal Cancer, also present with complaints of the digestive tract. Some of them are –
Although there are no measures, that can guarantee 100% safety from the chances of development of cancer, some precautionary measures are surely worth mentioning.
The urinary bladder is a hollow organ present in the pelvis of the human body, that serves as a storage organ of urine, collecting it from the kidney via ureter, before finally expelling it out of the body through the urethra, when the ideal opportunity presents itself. Cancer of Urinary bladder denotes an uncontrolled abnormal growth developing in the urinary bladder.
Like previously mentioned cancers, researchers do not know the exact cause of bladder cancer, but many associated risks factors &cancer-causing mechanisms have been identified. Some of the avoidable ones are -
Unfortunately, there are also some risk factors, which can’t be avoided; but knowing about them does enable a person to be more cautious. Some of these are –
1) Increase in the frequency of micturition, which may be associated with pain or burning.
2) Inability to control urine, once the urge arises.
3) Feeling the urge to go to the toilet even when the bladder is not full.
4) The urine stream may be weak.
5) The need to go to the toilet many times in the night.
6) Distended bladder, with an inability to pass urine due to obstruction produced by a tumor.
Quite often, many of the symptoms mentioned are not due to cancer, but other associated pathologies like – infection, bladder stone or enlarged prostate. However, a thorough workup is needed in all cases.
There are no guaranteed ways available, to prevent bladder cancer, however certain steps can be taken to decrease its probability. The best way for prevention is to avoid factors, that are responsible for causing the disease. To avoid smoking (and to stop, for those who have already started) is one of the best preventive measures.
Avoiding exposure to cancer-causing chemicals by workers of high-risk industries is another advisable step, that can be easily enforced. All safety instructions to avoid exposure should be strictly enforced. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which would contain sufficient antioxidants may help in reducing the risk of Cancer.
If a person develops any difficulty in urination or passage of blood in urine, urgent consultation with a urologist should be undertaken, at the earliest. A screening test to detect disease, in people who have no symptom, may be undertaken (after medical consultation) in people who are at very high risk, like – People with a past history of bladder cancer, people who are regularly exposed to certain dangerous chemicals & people born with certain birth defects of the bladder.
Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, that develops in the melanocytes – the cells that produce the pigment (melanin) which gives skin its color. Melanomas quite often resemble moles & sometimes even develops from moles. Majority of this type of cancer, are either black or brown in color, but rarely they can be also red, pink, blue, purple or even be white in color.
Melanoma is caused by intense Ultra Violet ray exposure, in people who are genetically predisposed to the disease. These cancerous growths mostly develop when ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or tanning beds causes damage to the DNA of skin cells, and these skin cells with a geneticdefect, rapidly multiply to form malignant tumors. The origin of this cancer is from pigment-producing melanocytes, which are present in the basal layer of the epidermis.
Certain skin conditions increase the chances of development of melanoma later on. Some of these are – Skin having a high number of moles & freckles, the presence of 5 or more atypical moles, the presence of actinic lentigines & giant congenital melanocytic nevuspredisposes a person to develop Melanoma later on.
People having fair skin have less pigment in their skin, which gives them less protection from damage of UV radiation. This makes them more prone to developing melanoma. Similarly, people with Light colored hair or light-colored eyesalso have more chance of developing melanoma.
Increasing age, high sun exposure with a history of sunburn, living near the equator or at high altitudes, having a family history of melanoma, personal history of any other skin cancer or having an organ transplant (with the weakening of immune system) also increases the risk of getting melanoma.
However, melanoma can develop not just in fair skinned person but also in people of African ancestry & Hispanics. Moreover, Melanoma can also occur in places of the human body that doesn’t receive exposure to sunlight. These facts highlight that there are still many aspects of this disease that, are still unexplained.
Although melanoma can develop anywhere in the body, they mostly develop in areas exposed to the Sun, like – face, arms, backs and legs. They can also occur in areas that are not directly exposed to Sun (hidden areas) like soles of feet, palms of hands, fingernail beds; in people with darker skin.
Alteration in the appearance of the skin should be a symptom, which should arouse the suspicion that something may be wrong. The appearance of a new spot or mole on the skin or change in color/shape/size of an existing mole should be looked at with skepticism.
A skin spot which becomes itchy, painful, tender (change in sensation) and bleeds; or if an area becomes shiny, waxy, or smooth; or a sore that does not heal - should be taken as an ominous sign unless proven otherwise.
A common way of differentiating between an ordinary mole or a mole, which is becoming cancerous, is to check for signs, described in short by mnemonic – ABCDE. The cancerous mole is Asymmetric in shape, have irregular& uneven Border, uneven shades and Colours, larger and more than a quarter inch in Diameter, continuously Evolving or changing in appearance over a period of weeks or months. The normal moles have exactly opposing features, than what has been described above for cancerous moles.
Melanoma can also sometimes rise in uvea of the eye. This kind of ocular melanoma can cause visual changes & can be detected during an eye examination by an ophthalmologist.
Rarely melanoma can arise in the mucous membrane lining nose, mouth, esophagus, urinary tract, vagina,and anus. These mucosal melanomas are difficult to detect & confused most often with other health conditions.
Avoiding excessive and harmful exposure to Ultraviolet radiation (from the Sun) can reduce the incidence of skin cancer considerably. Protection from harmful effects of sunrays can be taken by – wearing protective clothing& avoiding sunburn; using sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15,avoiding going out under sun between 10am to 4pm when the Sun’s rays are the strongest. Avoiding tanning lamps and beds that emit UV rays can decrease the risk of skin Cancer.
As the saying goes – “A stitch in time, saves nine”. Basic knowledge and awareness in the general population can go a far way in decreasing morbidity and mortality of many diseases, including Cancers. The above-mentioned cancers are not just the most common cancers afflicting males but also puts a severe load on healthcare resources. Increased awareness regarding these common cancers, can help in their detection in much earlier stages, which can avert disaster in many cases.
People should always be extracautious when it comes to concerns regarding their health. Consultation with healthcare professionals should never be postponed & in no cases, a self-diagnosis or self-treatment should be attempted. Making the correct lifestyle choices, using judicious self-introspection & taking timely decision can help in saving a life even in those cases, where the diseases are otherwise deemed incurable.
(Disclaimer – The above discussion is just for raising cancer awareness in public & is in no way an alternative to direct consultation with registered medical practitioners, for those who need it. As mentioned above, in no case a person should try to self diagnose & self treat a medicinal problem, without any medical supervision.)